Thursday Nov 13

AMRAP, 20 minutes

5 Dead Lifts
10 Push-Ups
15 Burpees


M.A. Deavers said...

Ouch. DL's @ 225. Ran out of time on round 8. Sacrificed rounds for weight on the bar. Done.

Mo said...

Dangit! You never take your shirt off for the 6am.

I attempted to pick up my packet but there was a mishap. (Seems someone forgot to leave the numbers at FWRunCo.) Hopefully they'll get it straight soon. I'll just get mine Sat am.

M.A. Deavers said...

Sorry, Mo. I'll call over there and see what's going on.


Anonymous said...

205lb DL

5 rounds and 4 DL's when I ran out of time. I have almost no gas tank with burpees, I need to work on that.