Saturday December 19

The 9 AM free Saturday CrossFit class workout will be...

As many rounds as possible in twenty minutes of:

5 Pull-Ups
5 Burpees
5 Box Jumps
Farmer's Carry

This week's 10 AM Advanced class workout will be:


21, 15, 9

Thrusters & Pull-Ups


Travis said...

Made it all the way back to the office before I puked. Pr for Fran...4:06. 2 mins better than my last attempt. Awesome job by everyone this morning.

Candice said...

AMRAP in 20 minutes in the snow...
5 Dips
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

14 rounds? Snow sucks during WOD's.
Wish I could have been there to watch Fran.