100 Day Pull-Up Challenge

The D/FW International Airport Police Department S.W.A.T. Section is conducting a 100 Day Pull-Up Challenge, begining today.

Please join in, and show your support to this outstanding group of officers.

100 Day Pull-Up Challenge Details: Beginning Tuesday, October 14th, we started doing one pull-up on day one and will add one pull-up each day until we get to 100 pull-ups on the 100th day, for a total of 5050 pull-ups!

Team Rules:

1. Use any grip: jumping or modified, dead hangs, kipping and butterfly pull-ups are acceptable.

2. You can complete each day’s pull-ups all at once, or reps may be broken up at different times throughout the day as needed.

3. If for any reason you miss a day, you must make up all the missed pull-ups the following day.

4. If you don’t start the challenge with us today, you can “buy-in” at any time by doing ALL the missed day’s pull-ups on your first day.

5. Any pull-ups you complete during your regular workout can count towards that day’s Challenge pull-ups, if you want them to.


CrossFit GSX said...

Who's in?

M.A. Deavers said...


Anonymous said...

can you use a rubber band???
since I can't do ONE on my own, the only way for me is rubber band assistance!!!!!!!!!!!!


CrossFit GSX said...

Yes, band-assisted is permitted. Just not by the team...

Anonymous said...

I'm pumped about this challenge. Everyone needs to step up and hop on board for this one!

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

Is there an official way to keep track or sign up?

CrossFit GSX said...

Mad props to DFW DPS SWAT!