Picture of the Day

What a wonderful weekend and what a gracious and kind host CrossFit Fire in Chicago has in its Owners and Directors. Bill and Jennie were so incredibly kind and generous. I would go there again every day of the week and twice on Sunday's if they would let me. The group of folks at the Gymnastic Cert were so wonderful and attentive and they all worked so hard, nice max effort. I love this community and love being a small part of it. CF Fire was so great - they obviously have something special there. Thank you guys and gals for all the kind shout outs!

Much Love - Tucker


Zach said...

I asked them if I could keep you...they said you had other people to inspire!

Free Bleeder

tuck said...

ZACH! My little free bleeder. You were too damn much fun. And I forgot to ask, just what were you and Mike discussing and lAughing about over inthe corner.

Sorry Zach, but I will pormise you one thing, i am coming back to your box soon enough bro! If I stayed my dog, kids and wife just might miss me... Well at the least the dog will miss me.


Unknown said...

Tucker, I'm blushing! Thank you very much for the kind words. It definitely FEELS like we have something special, so it's nice to hear other people think so too!

Anonymous said...

Tuck looks and sounds like you guys had some fun this past weekend at CrossFit Fire in Chicago. Tim & Eileen represented CF Chicago well from what I hear as did Rudy. Wished I could've made it but it was a little short notice on Sunday. If you need me as a guinea pig in the future let me know for sure as I'm hanging from a bar somewhere all the time as Rudy can attest. I'll shoot you an email w/my contact info if you ever need it. - Alex @ CF Chicago