Stronger. Faster. Meaner.

Be strong, be fast. Work on the 'whole athlete'. That means working on what sucks the most sometimes. For me that means Overhead Squats, or anything involving a jump rope. Don't shy away from those events, or WODs, that you are less good at. Embrace what sucks the most and drive on.

Sunday madness follows, or a workout that I put together after having a nightmare about Ken C.

"Don't try this at home"

5 rounds:

1 Muscle-Up
2 Weighted Pull-Ups
3 Overhead Squats
4 Handstand Push-Ups
5 Dead Lifts

See, many elements of 'suck' represented by this one. Tucker got my muscle up dialed-in, Josh keeps me on my toes with the weighted Pull-Ups, I hate OHS, HSPU are fun at parties, and Ken C. rocks the DLs (or he yelled at me in my nightmare to do more). Started the pull-ups with a 53lb KB and finished them with a 70lb. The OHS started at 45lb and progressed to a 105lb PR, and the DLs started at 135lbs and finished at 260lbs.

All of the above after a brisk 4 mile run.

Constantly varied, high intensity movements. Good times. Rant off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

who the heck is dreaming about me? that you deavers?