Super Chuck had the highest poundage this morning.
95 95 105 117 117
Byron and Bob got to be "close" buddies this morning while Chuck and I got to know each other a little bit more than either of us were expecting. Those of you who do the workout today will find out what I am referring to.
Josh runs us through the ringer quite a bit around GSX so when he worked out today, I grabbed the stopwatch, and did the encouraging. And of course he did a kickbutt job.
Scott, thanks for hanging after class today and working with me. It is always nice to have help.
basically personal training this morning with only 4 of us. Love the overhead squat...135, 135, 135, 135, 145.
Byron, Bob and Jason all powered through it!
Super Chuck had the highest poundage this morning.
Byron and Bob got to be "close" buddies this morning while Chuck and I got to know each other a little bit more than either of us were expecting. Those of you who do the workout today will find out what I am referring to.
Just Charlie and I this morning.
135 (only got two up on this one)
Good work Scott and tell Charlie I said hi!
Deavers = Gawd's gift to Tucker
Josh runs us through the ringer quite a bit around GSX so when he worked out today, I grabbed the stopwatch, and did the encouraging. And of course he did a kickbutt job.
Scott, thanks for hanging after class today and working with me. It is always nice to have help.
MO! Go sit in your corner!
Mo knows what's up...
You, yer little smokie, and what Army are going to put me in a corner?
Flitter away ya little gnat!
Didn't you watch the video of the day, about Tucker's army?
I ain't askeered of Tuck. I will take over his Army and become the new leader! He can be our lil cheerleader tho.
Mo - the handstand army is coming for my air gun and to ripp up your floors!
That was fun. I like OHS!
95 (pr!, was 1 rep max)
105 (failed, dropped bar on neck, OUCH!--Dont' do that!)
I am really liking OHS.
179# (got one and then lost it)
Feel like I could have went a bit heavier, was just careful since this was the first time doing this lift heavy.
135, 145, 155, 185, 195fX2
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